meet here the
administration of the glp

Marco Antônio Corrêa de Sá
Grand Master

José de Faria
Deputy Grand Master

Valdemar Kretschmer
Past Grand Master

Euclides Felipe
Past Deputy Grand Master

José Fernando de Paula
Past Deputy Grand Master

Ney Lisboa de Miranda
Past Deputy Grand Master

Glaucio Antonio Pereira
Grand Orator

Fernando Sérgio Lopes
Assistant Grand Orator

Roberto Aparecido Piekarczyk
Rob Grand Secretary of Internal Relations

Nilson de Paula Xavier Marchioro
Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations

Gilvan Manhaes de Souza
Assistant Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations

Luiz Olivio Bortolli
Assistant Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations

Wilson Geraldo Cavina
Assistant Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations

Antonio Pedro dos Santos
Grand Secretary of Planning and Management

Paulo Sergio Ivanoski
Grand Secretary of Patrimony

Saint´ Clair Cesar Rabello
Assistant Grand Secretary of Patrimony

Jean Dal Maso Costi
Grand Secretary for Social Action

Ivan Alves Rodrigues
Assistant Grand Secretary of Institutional Communication

Edelson Galvão da Silva
Grand Secretary for Institutional Relations

José Aderlei de Souza
Grand Treasurer

Rubens Vieira
Assistant Grand Treasurer

José de Jesus Gonçalves Bambil
Grand Ombudsman

Carlos Aldir Loss
Assistant Grand Ombudsman

Iraci da Silva Borges
Special Advisor to the Grand Master

Manif Antonio Torres Julio
Special Advisor to the Grand Master

Wilson de Oliveira
Special Advisor to the Grand Master

João Donizeti Garcia
Special Advisor to the Grand Master

Newton Dan Faoro
Information Coordinator

Nilson Teixeira de Lima
Financial Administrative Consultant
meet our
liturgical team

Flávio Hermógenes Gaspar
Grand Senior Warden

Waldemiro Fonzar Júnior
Grand Junior Warden

José Carlos de Miranda
Grand Caring Officer (Almoner)

Welington Manuel dos Santos
Grand Master of Ceremonies

Eduardo Antonio Antico
Assistant Grand Master of Ceremonies

Antonio Ronaldo Rodrigues Pinto
Grand Senior Deacon

Luciano Tieppo
Grand Junior Deacon

Danilo Custódio de Souza
Grand Flag Carrier

Celso Alves Prado
Grand Standard Bearer

José Reginaldo Vieira
Grand Sword Bearer

José Antonio Miléo
Grand Architect Decorator

Francisco Cezar de Luca Pucci
Grand Librariam

Luiz Antonio Bronislawski
Grand Organist

Aroldo Bittencourt Franco Junior
Grand Steward

Isaac Lawder
Grand Inner Guard

Wellyson de Oliveira
Grand Tyler

Ari Cesar Lemos
Grand Secretary of Institutional Communication
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